Monday, March 16, 2009

my dear lacey

my dear lacey recently died of old age.
please write a comment.the picture was taken friday.she died saturday.wah wah wah wah wah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


angel said...

I'm so sorry...she was a very dear friend to you I know and you took really good care of her. However she's now reuinted in Heaven with some dear ones.
Love you Gramma Angel

DEATHDAY said...

she was 15 years old!!!

The Rheas said...

Wow, 15 years old! Sounds like she lived a great life at the farm.

truman3 said...

Sorry babe. With life comes death. I love you so much. Maybe God needed her in Heaven nopw to teach others how to love little girls like you.

DEATHDAY said...

thanks you guys!!!!! :)

CDM said...

Hey Ashton,

Sorry to hear about Lacey. Love, Grandad

Alli said...

Hey sweetie,
Sorry to hear about your dear Lacey. What a wonderful life she had on the farm and being loved by you.
love you-

Kelli Miller said...

:( i am sorry about least you know she lived a long happy life!